it also needs some time and space to give some credits as it wouldn't have been possible without the help and support of these lovely people.

Creative Agency
In der Creative Agency Lemon Kodiak Studio, von Gründerin Tanja Pfurtscheller, steht die Liebe zum Detail im Mittelpunkt – vor allem in den Bereichen Grafikdesign und Fotografie.
Zusammen haben wir ein fantastisches Shooting mit beeindruckenden Models realisiert. Das Ergebnis? Pure, natürliche und atemberaubende Weiblichkeit.

Lukas Pleyer
Lukas' talented eye created the stunning photos of the lingerie and loungewear garments on the lovely Jannika.
he sees himself as: a random guy from next door, who tries to capture the moment on analogue film: a short window of time that only arises in the now and is a mirror of life itself. Honest, unpredictable and irretrievable.

Design & Illustration
Olivia Weise
creating a logo, the face of a brand, is a sensitive process. Therefore I am very happy to have made the right choice with Olivia Weise. With great empathy, extensive expertise and a strong sense of design and aesthetics, Olivia developed cē.lia's beautiful and timeless logo and determined the color and image style as well as the fonts for the label. Her keen sense of nuance and her creativity were also a great help to me in developing the slogan and coming up with a name.
be true. be you.
made to love your body. | designed and handmade with love in Vienna. | everyone deserves a perfectly fitted bra.